
Pitchfork Romney flock dispersed

September 5, 2024

In May, 2024, we came to the very difficult decision to disperse our Romney flock that we had started in late 1986. We have greatly enjoyed the Romney sheep and the Romney people. We are fortunate to have been able work with this breed and share their genetics throughout the US. We have retained all [...]

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Pre-lambing fleeces now posted – clean and sound

January 1, 2024

View the latest fleeces below.  To arrange a purchase, send us an email (pitchfork3772@gmail.com) with your choice(s) and we will send an invoice. See the Romney fleeces here. Bluefaced Leicester here. Teeswater here. We also have both Romney and Teeswater bulk fleeces  for $5 per lb plus shipping. Our bulk fleece is composed of fleeces that [...]

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First look at our 2022 Lambs

March 17, 2022

Our 2022 lambs are still arriving, but we wanted to give everyone a chance for a quick peek at the latest arrivals.  We are currently taking reservations for our 2022 lamb crop for all three breeds: Romney, Bluefaced Leicester and Teeswater. We will begin contacting prospective buyers on the list in late March / early [...]

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Latest pelts posted – Teeswaters (mostly)

February 17, 2021

A new shipment of 9 pelts (Group #424) came back from the processor (Bucks County Fur) on Feb 15, 2021. Check them out quickly for the best selection! Beauty and practicality in one gift. Like the wise shepherd says, “They can’t all be breeders!” Here’s the contributions of a few lambs who did not make [...]

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