Teeswater Lambs For Sale
Please note that, with a couple of exceptions, the sheep were photographed with minimal cleanup and fitting, just enough to give viewers a fair look at the animal. Our sheep are allowed to roam the pasture or shelter in a three-sided shed; they are not confined to a barn or drylot. They consume grain, grass and hay, although the hay is minimal while the pastures are green. Under most circumstances, our ram lambs have proven capable of breeding in their first season.
We may also have a limited number of “pet” or “fiber flock” quality lambs available, priced accordingly. Please contact us for more information.
We deliver free to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival in May and Rhinebeck in October. We can usually arrange delivery to other events.
We are currently sold out of Teeswater lambs for 2021, new lambs will begin to arrive in January of 2022! Contact us if you are interested in reserving lambs.
Click on the name to see more photos.

PFR 1325
PFR 1325
Triplet Ram - Born 2024-02-06
Sire: Downkillybegs -1102-21-013 UK Dam: PFR 1182
$1000.00 SOLD
This is a beautiful F1 triplet ram lamb! His dam was a triplet as well. Nicely proportioned with a great fleece for his age. He has some white on the back of his ears, but he does have excellent color. His Teeswater percentage is 96%. For PFR 1325's sire pedigree and picture, use this link.
His pedigree is pending while ATSA is changing to a different registry organization. See below for his dam's pedigree.

PFR 1326
PFR 1326
Triplet Ewe - Born 2024-02-06
Sire: Downkillybegs -1102-21-013 UK Dam: PFR 1182
$850.00 SOLD
This is a beautiful F1 triplet ewe lamb! Her dam was a triplet as well. Nicely proportioned with a great fleece for her age. He has some white on the on her ears, but she does have excellent color. Her Teeswater percentage is 96%. For PFR 1326's sire pedigree and picture, use this link.
Her pedigree is pending while ATSA is changing to a different registry organization. See below for her dam's pedigree.

PFR 1341
PFR 1341
Triplet Ram - Born 2024-02-24
Sire: Looking Glass 148 TR Dam: PFR 1133
$850.00 RESERVED
PFR 1341 is a 93.6% triplet F2. His sire is an AI Nidderdale ram that we purchased from Looking Glass Sheep and Wool. His dam is a very stout, correct, nicely fleeced ewe. PFR 1341 looks to be the best of both worlds. He's correct, growthy, great color and is developing a lustrous, vibrant fleece. He really has tons of eye appeal! His pedigree is pending while ATSA is changing to a different registry organization. See the below for his sire and dam pedigree.