Pitchfork BFL Rams

Pitchfork BFL Rams:

Pitchfork 1328 Derwen

Pitchfork 1328 Derwen

Pitchfork 1328 Derwen
Twin - Born 2024-02-07
Sire: Derwenlas 3822/L001 (UK)     Dam: Pitchfork 997

This boy was the pick of our 2024 lambs to be our next stud ram. He is UK-sired via artificial insemination out of our best ewe, 997. Derwen is showing tremendous potential in terms of breed type, conformation and fleece quality. He was named "Best of Breed" at the 2024 Hill Breeds Show under UK judges. His first lambs are due in February, 2025. 

Pitchfork 1274

Pitchfork 1274 "Todd"

Pitchfork 1274 "Todd"
Single - Born 2023-02-19
Sire: Towdypotts L10 (UK)     Dam: Pitchfork 997

Our first breeding ram kept from the 2021 semen import, out of our best ewe. Thick bodied, capacious and correct on his feet and legs, he performed cleanup after our 2023 fall AI breedings. He sired a set of quads and two sets of twins. He produces only white, even when bred to black. 

Our 2023 AI produced an excellent half brother (same dam)  by Derwenlas L1, so Todd was sold in the fall of 2024 into the great state of Vermont. 

Beechtree 124 Blue Clay Moor

Beechtree 124 Blue Clay Moor

Beechtree 124 Blue Clay Moor
Twin - Born 2016-06-02
Sire: Beechtree 84 Blue     Dam: Beectree 86 Orange

Excellent breed character and decent size with a nicely structured fleece. Level topped and correct on feet and legs. RR at Codon 171. 

See his pedigree here: BT 124-Blue Clay Moor

Beechtree 82 Green Heilan Laddie

Beechtree 82 Green Heilan Laddie

Beechtree 82 Green Heilan Laddie
Twin - Born 2016-05-30
Sire: Beechtree 72 Green     Dam: Beechtree 91 Orange

Impressive in size, thickness, and fleece. We like his level top and correct legs and feet. His lambs exhibit similar body and characteristics.  QR at codon 171.

View his pedigree here: BT 82-Green Hielan Laddie


Hermie (Wit's End 1827)

Hermie (Wit's End 1827)

Hermie (Wit's End 1827)
Twin - Born 2018-03-15
Sire: Beechtree 84 Blue     Dam: Beechtree 94 Orange

Acquired at the Rhinebeck dispersal sale of the Wit's End flock, Hermie impressed us with his overall correctness and fleece potential, if not his size. He is growing out nicely, however, and even sired a couple crossbred lambs last fall in cleanup duty. We are looking forward to using him on our black patterned BFL ewes in the fall of 2019. 

See his pedigree here:  Hermie (Wits End 1827)

Ellwood (PFR 728-AI)

Ellwood (PFR 728-AI)

Ellwood (PFR 728-AI)
Twin - Born 2013-01-29
Sire: Llwygy Black Mountain 1706/B67     Dam: Bonny (Ward 08-0846)

This natural-colored ram represents an excellent blend of US and UK blooodlines. He is flat-topped with lots of  length and thickness , and his extra extension works well as a counterbalance to our white ram's "linebacker" build. He is very correct on his feet and legs and sports an attractive black-patterned fleece. RR at Codon 171. His lambs have done well both at show and breeding. 

View his pedigree here: PFR 728 Ellwood.

Ellwood was sold into a Canadian flock in 2018 to make room for new genetics.



Lorenzo (PFR 693-AI)

Lorenzo (PFR 693-AI)

Lorenzo (PFR 693-AI)
Triplet - Born 2012-02-11
Sire: Myfyrian Trueblue 1183/B013     Dam: Reva (Ward 07-0774)

This ram is a product of the last importation of UK BFL semen into the US. His sire is True Blue Myfyrian B-13. He shows outstanding thickness and over the top, excellent capacity and a very nice fleece that carries well down the britch. His pigment is distinct and he stands on very correct feet and legs. We are very please with the progress he represents in our Bluefaced Leicester breeding program.

Lorenzo was sold into another flock in 2017 to make room for new bloodlines.