Here are some links we have found informative, helpful, and even entertaining.
Sheep Links
- American Romney Breeders Assocation (ARBA) Everything anyone could possibly need to know about Romneys–and then some.
- Bluefaced Leicester Union (BLU) Registry and breed information for Bluefaced Leicester sheep.
- Maryland Small Ruminent Page Lots of useful information about sheep and goats.
- Somerhill Farm Lisa Rodenfels, a highly recommended breeder Bluefaced Leicesters
- Ugly Dog's Farm Home of our good friends Rich and Wayne, in nearby Davison, MI, where they raise quite a variety of sheep, dogs and horses.
- Zeilinger Wool Co. One of the nation’s foremost wool processors, right here in mid-Michigan!
Llama Links
- Camelidynamics Marty McGee Bennett’s gentle training and handling methods.
- International Llama Registry Register your llama here, or request information on other’s animals.
- Michigan Llama Association (MLA) Our local llama organization.